Bhramari Pranayama

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Now a days our stress level increase a lot because of the polluted environment bad habits and unnatural foods
Recent days are so stressful for everyone because of Coronavirus and lockdown situation .
And by stress tension in head our sleep quality affected too much
Which is a quit serious problem for everyone
So we have to do something for that
Thats why our rishi Muni developed a wonderful practice for this..
the Practice called BHRAMARI Pranayama
It is one of the best breathing exercises to free the mind of agitation, frustration or anxiety and get rid of anger to a great extent
And for a sound sleep..
So today I will teach you in detail everything about BHRAMARI Pranayama

BHRAMARI is the name of a black bee in India.
The exhalation in this pranayama resembles the typical humming sound of that bee, which explains why it is named so..

Along with these benefits of BHRAMARI there are some other amazing benefits also


Bhramari Pranayama Benefits


1. It’s tremendous practice in HIGH BLOD PRESSURE
2. This Pranayama Practice speed up our healing process in the body so after the operation this Practice can be very useful for speedy recovery.

3. It’s strength and improve our vocal cards in throat which improv our voice
4. It’s also eliminate throat problem

5. BHRAMARI Pranayama Practice giving a massaging effect to our internal organ of the body specially in the head by vibration..

So did you see how many BENEFITS We are getting by a single practice

Now let’s do the Practice


How to do Bhramari Pranayama


Sit in any meditative posture sukhasan padmasan whichever is comfortable for you
If you can’t sit down you can sit on chair also
Your back and neck should be straight
Your eyes closed and whole body relax
Now touch your tongue to the upper pallet
Now the question is
Why tongue has to touched to soft palate
Tongue is touched with soft palate to activate the parasympathetic system, for calmness and focused mind concentration.
It also empower our brain.

Now adopt Sunmukhi mudra
Now again the ques.
Why Sunmukhi mudra
Because to close our senses from outside to go inside..
Now inhale deeply from nose
And make a honey bee sound
So this is first round
Once again inhale deeply and make a honey bee sound
So this is the BHRAMARI Pranayama
In Beginning you can go for 9 rounds
Slowly, slowly by Practice you increase the rounds and timing 10 mints or 15 mints..
If you are in extreme stress or tension then you can go for 10 to 20 mints also continue..




Some people say there is no precaution but it’s wrong there are some precautions we should take care

first is, those who have any kind of ear problem or ear infection they should avoid the practice until the infection has cleared up

So this is all about amazing Practice BHRAMARI
Thnkyou so much for your valuable time
May all be happy and healthy
Namo: Nam:

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